Monday, November 22, 2010

p/s:i know im very BIRD -.-
date with the buddys just now, we chit-chat and talk heart to heart. im comfortable alot right now.:) i get what u all said. im not in a mood seriously, he make me a call everyday but i still emo while listened to his voice, he told me he's lonely there, my heart full of pain. but what to do? have to habit of it, few month more u will habit of it. no worries ;) i'll take care of myself. but i can't wait to see you, got to wait two month more,'s killing me.;( idk how make it. he always worried did i text with boys or on call with any other boys? im here to say, i didn't ;D i'm always waiting for your call. i would like to on call with him, he's sweet enough and we will even talk about our future, HAHAHA it's quite funny and thinking too far. i seriously wanted you to be my last man,heee. you and i are meant to be, im the one for you,you're the one for me. I've tried to resist, being last on your list. FULL-OF-HEART,i do appreciate. ily

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